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1Rivian открыл предзаказы на свои электрические пикапы
И что? Они хотят первыми вывести на дороги электрические пикапы, обогнав Tesla, GM и Ford
2Стартап Heroes поднял $65M, чтобы начать покупать компании, торгующие на Amazon
И что? Они хотят повторить в Европе успех американского аналога Thrasio, ставшего единорогом
3Индия одобрила $4.5B инвестиций Google в телеком-платформу Jio Platforms
И что? Jio Platforms собирается выпустить на индийский рынок 200 миллионов смартфонов в ближайшие три года
Rivian electric pickup will debut with three editions, with a cheaper one to follow – TechCrunch
Rivian is opening up pre-orders for three editions of its upcoming electric pickup truck and SUV that start as low as $67,500 and with a battery range of more than 300 miles. However, more options will follow, including a base version that will have a smaller range of at least 250 miles and a price....
Rivian is opening up pre-orders for three editions of its upcoming electric pickup truck and SUV that start as low as $67,500 and with a battery range of more than 300 miles. However, more options will follow, including a base version that will have a smaller range of at least 250 miles and a price....